Costs of all-day care

Project outline

In order to increase the participation opportunities and individual support of children of primary school age and to support parents in balancing family and career, a legal entitlement to all-day care for children of primary school age is to be enshrined in law from 2025. This should be at least 8 hours a day, five days a week, and also cover a large proportion of vacation time. Providing such a service and maintaining it in the long term involves high costs, especially for school authorities and child and youth welfare organizations. However, it is not easy to determine how high these costs are. In this project, a method is therefore being developed and tested to estimate the costs for the expansion of all-day educational and childcare services for the providers of the services (school authorities, public youth welfare organizations) up to the year 2025. In addition, consumptive (recurring) costs associated with this legal entitlement are to be determined.


Additional information

2021 until 2022


all-day care, day schools, primary schools, legal rights, GaFöG, GaFG, education funds


Kerstin Schneider (project lead)
Anna Makles (project lead, contact person)
Kevin Zuchanek


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