Municipal expenditures for Gy9

Project outline

Development and implementation of a method for the estimation of municipal expenditures incurred by increasing mandatory Gymnasium attendance from eight to nine years in North Rhine-Westphalia. In order to estimate the amount of additional costs, the project group is developing both a method for determining costs and an estimate of the costs for the school boards.


Additional information



Gy8, Gy9, North Rhine-Westphalia, education funding


Anna Makles (project lead)
Kerstin Schneider (project lead)
Johannes Berens
Janka Goldan
Thomas Kemper


Prof. i. R. Klaus Klemm


  • Schneider, K., Makles, A., Klemm, K. (2018): Entwicklung und Erprobung einer Methode zur Abschätzung der kommunalen Kosten der Einführung eines neunjährigen Bildungsgangs an öffentlichen Gymnasien in Nordrhein-Westfalen im Rahmen des 13. Schulrechtsänderungsgesetzes. Gutachten. [download]

Press reviews, selection:


*Urheber: Westdeutscher Rundfunk Köln, 2018.

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