Local costs of implementing inclusion

Project outline

The implementation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in the school sector represents a major challenge for education policy in Germany. The public discussion on how the joint teaching of students with and without special educational needs can succeed in schools mostly focuses on the development of corresponding pedagogical concepts, the necessary training and further education of teachers, and the equipping of inclusive schools with additional teachers and special educators.

The implementation of inclusion in the school sector will also have far-reaching consequences for the equipment of schools and thus for the municipal school authorities. This is by no means just a matter of creating barrier-free school buildings and school grounds. Special teaching and learning materials are also required, and additional space is needed for additional classrooms and the necessary differentiation, therapy and subject rooms. In addition, and this is little discussed, successful inclusion requires additional school psychologists and school social workers as well as integration assistants to accompany children and young people with special educational needs in everyday school life. All of these additional tasks, on which the success of inclusion depends to a large extent, fall under the responsibility of the municipal school authorities and cause additional costs there.

In July 2013, this study quantified for the first time the expected additional municipal expenses for the city of Essen and the district of Borken in North Rhine-Westphalia.


Additional information

2013 until 2014


Inclusion, UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, North Rhine-Westphalia, school funding


Anna Makles
Kerstin Schneider
Alexandra Schwarz


Mareike Tarazona, Horst Weishaupt (both DIPF, Frankfurt a.M.)


  • Schwarz, A., Schneider, K. (2013): Mehrkosten in Millionenhöhe - Inklusion im Schulbereich bedeutet deutliche Belastung für Kommunen. In: Stadt und Gemeinde, 10/2013, 458-460.
  • Schwarz, A., Weishaupt, H., Schneider, K., Makles, A., Tarazona, M. (2013): Mögliche kommunale Folgekosten der Umsetzung der Inklusion im Schulbereich in Nordrhein-Westfalen am Beispiel der Stadt Essen und des Kreises Borken (Gutachten im Auftrag der kommunalen Spitzenverbände NRW). [download]

Information for download:

  • Vortragsfolien zum Kommunaldialog Inklusion, 15. Mai 2014 [download]
  • Bericht zu den geschätzten durchschnittlichen Mehrausgaben je Schüler im gemeinsamen Unterricht zum Schuljahr 2016/17 vom 30. Januar 2014 [download]
  • Vortragsfolien zur Fachtagung für Sozialdezernentinnen und Sozialdezernenten des Deutschen Vereins für öffentliche und private Fürsorge, 28. Januar 2014 [download]
  • Kommentierung des Berichts der Landesregierung (Vorlage 16/1090 Landtag NRW) und der Stellungnahme der Ministerin für Schule und Weiterbildung (Vorlage 16/1091 Landtag NRW) vom 10. September 2013 [download]
  • Zusammenfassung des Gutachtens [download]

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