Parents survey in Cologne
Project outline
"In view of the shortfall in school places that already exists today, which can only be met at the grammar schools in particular by creating more classes, and because of rising birth and pupil numbers in the coming years, the city of Cologne faces the challenge of creating a considerable number of additional places at comprehensive schools and grammar schools in the short to medium term and building additional schools for this purpose." [Communication of the body Committee School and Further Education Cologne - public part of 07.06.2021].
Against the background of the overall increase in demand for school places at secondary schools, the City of Cologne has commissioned the WIB to conduct a parent survey to support demand-driven school development planning. The parent survey is addressed to all parents of Cologne's primary school pupils, i.e. it is a full survey. The aim of the survey is to ascertain the school choice behavior of parents when their children make the transition to secondary school, i.e. the change from the fourth to the fifth grade. The aim is to find out about parental motives and wishes when choosing a school.
The evaluation is being carried out by the WIB on behalf of the City of Cologne. The entire process is being carried out in close cooperation with the City of Cologne's department for integrated youth welfare and school development planning. In addition, a committee consisting of school policy spokespersons, the city school board, the education authority of the city of Cologne, spokespersons of the elementary schools and the school administration accompanies the project.
Additional information
2021 until 2022
School choice, Cologne, school development planning, transition from elementary school to secondary school
Kerstin Schneider (project lead)
Anna Makles
Monika Piegeler
Makles, A.M., Piegeler, M., Schneider, K. (2022): von4nach5 - Elternbefragung zur Schulwahl im Übergang von der Primarstufe in die Sekundarstufe I in der Stadt Köln. Bericht, Bergische Universität Wuppertal. [download]
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