Janka Goldan, Dipl.-Paed.

Contact information:

(Janka Goldan has left the WIB on May 1st, 2020. She is now staff member at the University of Bielefeld.


Publications and conference appearances of J. Goldan (as of July 2019) are available via this .pdf.

Information on all research projects and publications of the entire WIB staff are available via Research.

Short CV:

2006 to 2012 Studied Educational Sciences, Social Sciences, and Psychology, at Goethe University Frankfurt/Main, Germany and Institute of Education, University College London, UK, Degree: Diplom-Pedagogue.

2008 to 2011 Student Assistant at the IDeA-Zentrum (a center of the German Institute for International Educational Research – DIPF) Frankfurt a. M., Germany - Project 'PaSS – Praevention an Schulen'.

2012 to 2015 Project Manager in a Marketing Agency in Frankfurt a. M., Germany.

2013 to 2016 Extra-occupational studies in Business Economics, FernUni Hagen, Germany, Degree: Business Economist (IWW).

Since 09/2015 Scientific Assistant at WIB, University of Wuppertal, Germany.


Research fields:

Inclusion/Intergration of Students with Special Needs