Central exit exams

Project outline

Effects of central exit exams on student's performance and quality of schooling


Additional information

2005 until 2012


secondary school, central exit exams


Hendrik Jürges
Kerstin Schneider (contact person)


  • Jürges, H., Schneider, K., Senkbeil, M., Carstensen, C. (2012): Assessment drives learning - Differential effects of central exit exams on curricular knowledge and mathematical literacy. In: Economics of Education Review, 31(1), 56-65.
  • Jürges, H., Schneider, K. (2010): Central exit exams increase performance... but take the fun out of mathematics. In: Journal of Population Economics, 23(2), 497-517.
  • Jürges, H., Richter, W. F., Schneider, K. (2005): Teacher Quality and Incentives: Theoretical and Empirical Effects of Standards on Teacher Quality. In: Finanzarchiv 61(3), 298-326.
  • Jürges, H., Schneider, K., Büchel, F. (2005): The Effect of Central Exit Examinations on Student Achievement: Quasi-experimental Evidence from TIMSS Germany. In: Journal of the European Economic Association, 3(5), 1134-1155.

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